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Good Afternoon Members,

We wanted to send out a few friendly reminders in regards to the swim club. We take pride in keeping our grounds clean, and doing the best we can as to the facilities. We ask that the members do the same. If there is a sanitary accident in the bathrooms, or on the swim club grounds we kindly ask that you please report that to the staff immediately so that it can be properly cleaned up. As we always put out in our announcements we ask that you also do your part in cleaning up your trash, and closing umbrellas etc.

Another issue we have been finding is that in the men's room there are young members hanging, and pulling on the bathroom stall doors which is in turn damaging them. We have had to have them fixed multiple times now. Any time things like this happen, it takes money out of the clubs budget to have to fix. Please speak to your children/families about respecting the property as if it were their own home. If it continues to happen, and we find out who is doing this, the bonded member could be charged or damages.

4th of July - we are looking forward to a great day! We have a DJ coming, plenty of activities planned, and more.  The most important thing to remember about this day,,, Many line up early in the lot to guarantee a umbrella, however you must physically be in line to get a spot. You cannot leave a chair, cooler or any other item to "hold your spot" in line and leave the premises. If you do so, the items will be removed from the line. We will have a member of the board or staff monitoring the line, and possibly giving out numbers for places in line.

Please make sure to physically stop at the gate house to be checked in. We daily, but also for major holidays need to make sure everyone is checked in properly who is on the bond. We have a lot of newer gate house staff this season, and we ask you to be patient during the  check in process.  Please make sure to say your full bond number, letter, and all numbers in it.

Finally - this reminder goes for all members, as well as staff that the lot is angled parking only which it has been for years! Especially for holidays, it is very important to get as many cars in the lot that we can. We will also have someone helping out in the lot with parking  to make sure cars are parked close enough together, as well as properly angled.

Thank you all, and we look forward to continuing to have a great season.



Hello BSC. Please see the following as a reminder of the activities that are remaining for the rest of the season. Thank you all, so far, for a great 2024 season.

Youth Nights - will be on 6/26, 7/10 and 7/24 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM and is $5 per child. This includes music, pizza and soda.

Bingo Nights - will be (Friday nights) 6/14, 6/21, 6/28, 7/5, 7/12, 7/19, 7/26, 8/2 - 6:00PM to 8:00PM and more dates depending on participation.

4th of July Celebration - There will be a DJ, candy, pool coin game, water balloon toss and a sack race. Game winners get a $1.00 snack bar coupon.

Adult Activities - 7/13 horseshoe tournament, 7/27 cornhole tournament - $5-10 dollars/team - winners take all. Poster board used to keep track of winnings.

Movie Nights - 7/17 & 7/31 - 8:00PM to 10:00PM...will be $5 per person and includes popcorn.

Christmas in July - 7/20 - from 1:00PM to no end time

Talent Show - free to off your talents and wow the crowd. Date to be announced soon.

Adult Night - *CANCELLED due to lack of participation

Teen Night - 7/22 - 6:00PM to 9:00PM - $5 a kid, 13-18 years old - pizza, music and ice cream included.

Art and Crafts - Various times each week and will be scheduled monthly - this will feature crafts like make your own bag, rock painting, sidewalk chalk art, paint a masterpiece and much more.

*Please click on the calendar to see these and pool hours as well. Thank you from BSC.

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